I’m talking about YOUR woman.
Not some pornstar, not some hooker, not some sl*t who’s down for anything, not some 18 year old who’s only just discovering sex.
I’m talking about getting YOUR woman, who right now it may feel like NOTHING COULD EVER GET HER PASSIONATE ABOUT SEX…
And I’m talking about getting HER to beg YOU to have passionate white-hot sex.
What if you there were ‘secret passwords’ that when spoken would open the door to all the sex you could ever want?
Can you imagine how this would change your life?
Just imagine being able to have sex with your wife or girlfriend ANYTIME YOU WANT …
…It would be like living a dream!
Well, guess what?
It’s possible
"Speak The Right Words To Your Woman And You Can Unleash Uncontrollable Primal Sexual Desire In Her Without Her Even Realizing What’s Going On."
Just like a remote control allows you to instantly change the channel on the TV, you’ll be able to “flip a switch” and turn your girl on with nothing more than the words you say.
Have a wife who is very conservative or who hasn’t shown any interest in sex in a long, long time? Feel like your sex life with your girlfriend has grown “stale”?
These words will rekindle the fire and ignite greater sexual passion in your relationship than you have ever experienced before.
So please get comfortable and read the rest of this web page right now.
You’re About To Discover Not One, But 7 Phrases That Cut Right Though Your Women’s Standard Objections
Objections like “I have a headache” or “I’m too tired” – so that instead you trigger uncontrollable subconscious arousal.
This subconscious arousal bypasses logic and standard behavior and turns your woman into a sexual dynamo who has only one thing on her mind – having mad, passionate sex with you!
Now your sex life doesn’t have to revolve only around special occasions or the purchase of extravagant gifts.
Now you don’t have to be “naturally romantic” or have enough money to take your girl to expensive clubs and restaurants.
Now you can get all the sex you want (like a modern day Casanova) by simply speaking to your wife or girlfriend.
Tap into the Real Power of Words to Get
Sex… Lots & Lots of Sex!
Sex… Lots & Lots of Sex!
Hi, my name is Jack Grave and over the course of my career I’ve taught sex and men’s health advice to over 1 million men.
Barely a day goes by that I don’t receive a new success story and a thank you.
You’d be surprised at how many men are not satisfied with their sex lives… and you’d also be surprised at how easily their sex lives can be turned around.
So if you are thinking that your wife is just not that interested in sex and never will be... if you think because she is going through menopause that your sex life is going to dwindle into nothing... I’m here to tell you that things can be different in the bedroom (and the living room and the kitchen and on the stairs).
How Would You Like, as That Usher Song Says, “A Lady
in the Streets but a Freak in the Bed?”
in the Streets but a Freak in the Bed?”
Think it’s impossible? Think your wife is too uptight, too conservative, too much of a “lady” to act like a porn star? Think she just doesn’t enjoy sex?
What if I said your wife or girlfriend could transform into a woman that puts those porn stars you’ve seen to shame… a woman who wants you so bad that she’ll do anything you tell her to do?
Would you be interested in learning more?
If so, then please keep reading. I’m here today to show you how you can have all that – you can have a wife that is crazy about you and crazy about having sex with you. It all starts with the words you say.
How This Works… How To Use Words To Make Her BEG For Sex…
I want to show you an example of just how powerful words can be…
Imagine that suddenly your phone vibrates with a message from your woman.
It says the following…
“I’m going to give you a big hug when I get home tonight”
That will produce a certain type of emotion inside of you, right?
If you’re like most guys it will probably produce a feeling of warmth and satisfaction.
Now imagine your phone vibrates with a message from your woman and instead it says the following…
“I’ve just had a dirty daydream… I pictured you getting rock hard, me jumping on you, wrapping my legs around your body and having you thrust all the way inside of me… you totally ravished me… all while I came all over your…”
What kind of emotion does that make you experience?
What would that do to your sex drive?
If you’re like most men it would make you excited, horny and desperate for your woman to get back home.
Well In The Same Way As These Words Can Stimulate YOUR Sexual Arousal, Words Can Also Be Used To Stimulate HER Sexual Arousal
Yes, you can use words to get her begging YOU for sex.
But as we all know – women are different and they therefore have different triggers.
Send a version of the above message to your woman and you wouldn’t get the same results – in fact, she might even laugh in your face.
Remember, the female psyche works in different ways.
What triggers a woman to want sex is completely different to what triggers a man to want sex.
But the power of words has already been proven.
You’ve already seen how a choice of words can produce a completely different emotional experience inside of you…
Now I want to show you how certain words can produce a completely different emotional experience inside of her – specifically an emotional experience of sexual lust.
Here’s What I’ve Figured Out…
Over years and years of counseling men on their sex lives, I’ve come to understand what women really want to hear. I understand what turns them on and gets them more excited than they have ever been before.
Through my research, I’ve developed a series of 7 phrases you can say to your wife or girlfriend to trigger uncontrollable PRIMAL sexual desire … even if she’s super conservative and hasn’t been interested in sex for YEARS!
Think of these phrases as keys that open doors to unspeakable pleasure – to your dream life.
Let Me Give You an Example of the
Real Power of Words:
Real Power of Words:
Kurt contacted me about a year ago and was incredibly frustrated. He and his wife of 12 years, Amy, had reached a point where they had no sex life to speak of at all.
Amy’s interest in sex, while never super high to begin with, had waned over the years, especially after the birth of their second child.
They gradually went from having sex once a week to once a month to a few times a year and now Kurt said it had been over six months without them touching each other at all.
There was no passion, no physical closeness in their marriage.
It was driving Kurt crazy. He was watching porn heavily at this point to get some kind of release without actually cheating on his wife and he just didn’t understand why his wife couldn’t be more like the women in the videos he was watching.
Those women seemed so into sex. It was like they lived and breathed it. They were so different than his wife.
His wife didn’t even want to touch him. It made him feel like less of man, like there was something wrong with him that was causing this.
After assuring Kurt that he didn’t have some “defect,” I thought his situation would make a perfect test case for my new Words That Trigger Lust method that I had been developing.
Like I said earlier, while helping men with their sex lives I had realized the power words can have on the female psyche and I had started putting together this course.
I asked Kurt if he would be willing to try it and honestly at that point I think he would have been willing to try anything to improve his sex life.
I sent Kurt home with the phrases and told him to start using them in the specific order with the specific timings I had outlined.
Kurt seemed highly doubtful that simply speaking some words to his wife was suddenly going to thaw the ice that had developed between them and get her hot for him … but like I said he was willing to try anything.
Just a few days later I remember awakening to find an email from Kurt. He was ecstatic, not only had the phrases got his wife into the mood but in his words they had “porn star sex” not once but twice the previous night!
He said he had never seen his wife act that way before – she was “insatiable” (his word not mine).
That’s when I started to realize the power of what I had created. I had suspected that I might be on to something but the situation with Kurt really confirmed it.
Since then, Kurt has continued using the phrases and he and his wife have continued having “porn star sex.”
When I talked to Kurt a week ago, he said that whenever he wants sex he just uses a few of the phrases and watches his wife heat up like Georgia asphalt in the hot summer sun.
I’d like to mention something else at this point, too. When I met with Kurt a week ago, it was like I was meeting with an entirely new man.
It’s amazing what effect a great sex life can have on a man’s life. To know that a woman wants him so badly and will do anything for him can really help a man find, in the words of movie character Austin Powers, his “mojo.”
While the Kurt I met with initially was frustrated and depressed and soft spoken and wouldn’t look me in the eye, the Kurt I met with most recently was strong and secure and “manly.” He oozed testosterone and confidence.
All that frustration and sadness had been replaced with satisfaction and happiness.
So How About You?
Are You Tired of Feeling Trapped
in a “Sexless Relationship?”
Are You Tired of Feeling Trapped
in a “Sexless Relationship?”
Would you like to have a wife or girlfriend who craves sex with you… who will do all of those things that you wouldn’t dare ask her to do now because you know she would get mad and refuse, or worse, just shake her head and laugh at you because you should know those things are not even a possibility?
How would you like to have that sex-hungry wife or girlfriend without having to go to counseling sessions or do anything else that is embarrassing?
How would you like to be able to have your wife or girlfriend lusting for you without having to buy her expensive gifts, take her to expensive restaurants and clubs or otherwise be romantic when that is just not really ‘who you are’?
The key to turning all this into reality lies in my new course…
Introducing “Words That Trigger Lust”

You’re going to be amazed at how easy it is to rekindle the fire in your relationship!
You don’t have to blow your savings on expensive gifts… you don’t have to “be romantic”… you don’t have to say or do anything embarrassing...
All that is required of you is to learn seven simple phrases and then use them when you talk to your woman.
Believe me, these phrases work better than any so-called aphrodisiac like clams or “Spanish Fly.” They also work better than any expensive gifts and romantic gestures.
Here’s why:
These phrases go straight to your wife or girlfriend’s subconscious mind and tap into her primal arousal psychology.
In other words, she’ll get turned on without even realizing what is happening.
She’ll just think you are being nice and complimentary but in reality you’ll be stoking a fire that leads to “no-holds-barred”, passionate sex.
These phrases bypass all the usual objections, such as “I have a headache” or “I’m too tired” and create pure unadulterated passion in your woman.
Ever felt bad because your friends are having a lot more sex than you? You’ll be able to shut them up quick now. You’ll have your own stories – lots and lots of stories, the latest more crazy, and hot, than the previous.
What This is NOT…
This is not about “dirty talk.”
While I’ve got nothing against dirty talk, I’ve found that many men are either uncomfortable using it or it’s just not effective with their particular partner.
This is completely different and you don’t need to be an expert in seduction to use these phrases.
In Words That Trigger Lust you are getting seven phrases that you can use at strategic times to stimulate attraction, arousal and lust in your woman’s subconscious mind.
Even if your wife is “prim and proper”… if she’s “just not into sex”… you’re going to be amazed at what she is capable of doing when her inner “sexual beast” is released.
We’re talking hot, passionate, intense sex whenever you want it!
Imagine getting text messages from your wife or girlfriend begging you to come to bed …
Imagine her regularly planning surprises for you, such as her wearing nothing under her coat when she picks you up from the airport …
Imagine having so much sex that you actually may have to turn her down once in a while due to pure exhaustion …
Imagine her going from cold and distant to hot and orgasmic, you’re going to see her act in ways you never thought she’d act, you’ll be living a porn movie!
It All Starts With Words That Trigger Lust!
Ever heard the saying “good sex starts in the mind?” Well, it does – and the phrases contained in this program will allow you to get inside your wife or girlfriend’s mind and take your sexual relationship to new heights.
With this course, you’re going to learn:
- How to turn your woman into a sexual dynamo who craves your body day and night!
- How to get sex again and again and again – and it’ll never get old to you… or her!
- How to make her a freak in the bed – multiple orgasms, squirting, it’ll all be possible!
- How to bypass all her usual objections and have her begging you to take her to bed!
- How to make her soaking wet using nothing but your words!
- How to have her begging you to do things to her that she would have never even considered before!
- How to make your partner see you with renewed adoration, commitment and devotion!
- How to maximize pleasure both for your lover and yourself!
- How to get your woman into a mindset where she wants nothing more than to satisfy you sexually – again and again!
- And much more!
Turn Up the Heat in Your Sex Life
With Words That Trigger Lust!
With Words That Trigger Lust!
As someone who has helped thousands of men with their intimate lives, I have seen firsthand what an unsatisfying sex life can do to a person.
It can steal your joy, your zest for life. It can make you feel depressed and alone. It can make you question yourself and wonder if there is something wrong with you.
Nobody should have to live like that. After all, we only live once. We should be having fun – and what’s more fun than terrific sex?
In Words That Trigger Lust, you’ll finally learn how to take your sex life to the next level – a level filled with excitement and fulfillment.
So how much would you be willing to pay for a course that will dramatically improve your sex life and quite possibly save your relationship … at least, save you from years of boredom and frustration?
Well, if you and your partner were to go to couples counseling or sex therapy chances are you would pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars.
Other men try to win their wives or girlfriends over with expensive gifts and vacations but most find that the sex never improves.
With Words That Trigger Lust you are getting a simple but highly-effective approach that anyone can use to improve their sexual relationship.
No one is being hurt, no one is being required to do something they don’t want to do or that is embarrassing, it all comes down to some simple phrases with some amazing power.
Right now, that is all that is separating you from an incredible sex life.
Ready to Crank Up the Lust in Your Relationship?

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This a fraction of what you’d pay for counseling or a big gift or weekend getaway.
Heck, that’s the price of a movie ticket in many areas – and with this purchase you’ll be getting hours and hours of physical enjoyment instead of just two hours watching a movie that may or may not be any good.

I don’t think I can be any fairer than that. Either get the information you need to improve your sex life or get your purchase price back!
Plus, don’t forget, when you order my Words That Trigger Lust, you can take advantage of my immediate download feature to begin reading and benefiting from the course’s expert advice and comprehensive information in just minutes from now!
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Here’s the Bottom Line on This Incredible Resource:
If you are stuck in a sexless relationship right now, there is a very good chance that it is only going to get worse with the passage of time.
You don’t have to live life feeling sad and unfulfilled. Put passion and excitement back into your relationship with this powerful course.
You’ll learn:
- How to get sex whenever and wherever you want it!
- How to turn your conservative wife or girlfriend into your own personal “nymphomaniac!”
- How to start having sex more often than you’ve ever had it before!
- How to make your woman’s typical excuses things of the past that you never hear again!
- How to avoid being an ”afterthought” and instead become the center of your woman’s sexual wants and desires!
- What every man must know to have a wife or girlfriend who wants them unconditionally!
- Simple phrases that will have your girlfriend or wife wanting you like never before!
- Step-by-step easy-to-understand methods for turning your partner into someone who is addicted to having sex with you!
So What ARE You Waiting For?
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Order Now and Get Instant Access to Receive Words That Trigger Lust!
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I must warn you that this pricing is a special offer and only available while the timer is counting down.
To secure your discount click on the order button below.
Talk soon,
P.S. Tired of trying to have sex with your wife or girlfriend and getting rejected? Well, no matter how disinterested in sex she may appear to be right now, with Words That Trigger Lust you’ll be able to “flip the script” and actually have her hit on you. It’s true, say the phrases revealed in this program and she’ll start initiating sex with you!
P.P.S. Remember two things: 1) the current price is available only for a limited time and will expire as soon as the countdown timer ends – so order now before it is too late. 2) Also, you are making this purchase at absolutely no risk with my unconditional guarantee. So grab this special price while you can! If Words That Trigger Lust isn’t everything you were expecting, simply notify me within 60 days and I will refund your money promptly and hassle-free.
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DISCLAIMER: Please note that all the information provided is an opinion and is not a substitute for medical advice. This product contains adult language and situations, and is not meant for those under 18 years old. The name Jack Grave is a pseudonym used for privacy reasons by the creator of this training.